Ed is a class all-rounder who has a knack of winning wherever he goes! He grew up in the county of Warwickshire cutting his teeth on the rivers Stour and Avon as a young lad. That gave him the perfect grounding to become a top match angler, and as venues and styles changed, Ed changed with them, developing the skills he needed to tackle every venue. Spending many years team fishing with the likes of the mighty Starlets, he won many team events as well as a lot of individual trophies too. He now tends to focus on his own individual fishing specialising on rivers and canals with incredible consistency. Ed's attention to detail in fishing is incredible, always prepared, and ready for every eventuality. This probably comes from his working background where he is a professional chef, and a very good one too!"
Fishomania finalist
Three times Riverfest finalist
Division 1 National individual champion 2018
Shrewsbury festival winner 2018
Stratford classic winner 2017
Angling trust individual champion
AT winter league semi final Individual winner
Thames championship individual winner 2017
Sensas challenge super final individual winner France 2017
Larford match record arena lake 118kg
Issac Walton match record
Sensas challenge individual champion
Various team medals with the mighty starlets team.
Being comfortable is one the most important part of fishing as we spend most of our time sat down so looking after our backs is paramount.
The new competition seatbox is perfect for achieving this with its multi adjustable non slip legs, comfortable memory foam seat 36mm legs & a spirit level to make sure everything is level.