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'Carny' has established himself as a top angler and has some major victories to his name especially around the Stoke/Staffs area where he focuses most of his fishing. A White Acres regular for many years Paul was the one wjo invented the Garbolino Pellet Press. He never stops thinking about ways in which he can improve his angling and get that vital edge. Thats what makes him such a good angler.


Cudmore, Heronbrook and Blake Hall


Current Heronbrook match record holder with an incredible 364lb 10oz!

2010 & 2011 Izaak Walton Fisheries  spring and autumn back to back festivals winner. 

Cudmore Premier league winner.

Cudmore pool 2 Kamasan match record 238lb

Cudmore Premier  league  runner up.

Cudmore  Spring League Winner 3 years running.

Kamasan British Open Finalist.

Angling Times Pairs Finalist 4 Years.

2 x Individual Winter League Winner.

2012/13 Longford Fisheries Winter/Spring Winner.

8 x Winter league winners.

6 x top ten finishes at White Acres festivals. 

2011 British Pole Champs Finalist. 

2013 Match Aid Grand Finalist/Winner.

Blake Hall Silverfish Festival Winner.

Previous match records.

Rycroft clover 3h 119lb

JCB North Lake 189lb

Silvers records.

Hales Hall 38lb

Trentham  Gardens 77lb.

Izaak Walton  Fisheries 229lb

Blake, Blake Hall Fisheries  119lb. 

Top Tips: 

Always  ask questions after the match, you can learn from everyone!

Never give up.

Dont be afraid  to try something different.


Pole carping